Vision & Mission


Acts II Ministries, ‘AIIM’ through the indwelling presence of Holy Spirit in every believer, will seek to equip a faithful, end-time remnant to ‘Possess the gates of their enemies’ and to be fully prepared to do ‘Great exploits for their God’. To find their strength in the ‘Joy of the Lord’ and through Covenantal obedience to the ‘Whole Counsel of God’.


ACTS II Ministries ‘AIIM’ is a brand new expression of Christian Community in action. We fully embrace the House church model shown to us in the Book of Acts and in the various New Testament epistles. This description in the Word of God tells us that the primary gathering place for His saints was in the home, and for larger assemblies, a community venue capable of handling more people.
Our vision is first to build an altar of worship to the Lord Who is our First Love, through prayer, intercession, Kingly decrees, study of the ‘Word’ and passionate, Spirit-led worship. The Father is looking for those who will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. In addition, covenantal obedience will allow us to permanently host His presence and be empowered to do great exploits for our God. By keeping His commandments, we demonstrate our love for Him and for one another. This was the foundational success established by Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts Church.

The Lord clearly defined in the Gospels that our assignment was to make disciples and then He would build His Church. To that end, ACTS II Ministries will pursue the following goals:

  1. Establish a solid, biblical foundation (the ‘whole’ counsel of God) for all the saints who gather with us
  2. Equip the disciples to minister to others
  3. Empower the disciples to make disciples
  4. Engage the community through the demonstration of a Spirit-led, Spirit-empowered lifestyle that advances the Kingdom in all the seven mountains of culture — ‘Arts & Entertainment,' ‘Business,' ‘Education,' ‘Family,' ‘Government,' ‘Media’ and ‘Religion’.

AIIM will seek to establish the presence of all the ascension gifts listed in Ephesians 4, i.e., the apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, pastoral and teaching, so that all of God’s people can be fully equipped to do the work of ministry. Moreover, “Until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ”.

We are seeking to be a ‘bride who has made herself ready’ and a complete expression of the ‘One New Man’ who is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, but one in Christ Jesus. It is this ‘One New Man’ who will rise up in power to usher in a full demonstration of the Kingdom of God on earth.